Payment Options
We accept several types of payment options.
Preferred Payment Options
- Cash
- Cheque *
- e-transfer (send to
Other Payment Options
- Paypal (*** Additional 3% Processing Fee ***) ** (paid at time of purchase or send to
- Credit Card (*** Additional 3% Processing Fee ***)
* Bounced Cheques - if at anytime your cheques bounces for payment of goods, you will be billed an additional $10 administration fee + 3% per month interest on the outstanding amount starting from the date of the purchase.
** Chargeback - if at anytime we receive a chargeback on your Paypal payment for any reason, you will be billed an additional $15 administration fee + 3% per month interest on the outstanding amount starting at the date of purchase.
(Chargebacks are usually done because of fraudulent use of credit cards, or can be initiated by the customer claiming they didn't receive the items)
If at anytime you bounce a cheque or we receive a chargeback from Paypal, you will immediately will be charged penalties, and become a cash only customer on all future purchases.