Important Dates For Treatments


  It's best to do mite counts by alcohol or sugar shaker before making the decision to treat for mites.  Read more on testing protocols here:

  It's also just as important to do another mite count right after the treatment period has ended to see what the success of the treatment has   been.  Keep a log of the dates, mite count before treatment, treatment used, and mite count after treatment.  This information might be helpful   later on if you are finding the treatment didn't do a very good job and you can pass this information on to an Ontario inspector who will pass it   on to OMAFRA to investigate if there are signs of mite resistance. Remember your the scientist out in an outdoor lab and gaining information.   Any information as to possible resistance is important to be reported so products can be removed.

  Also be sure to rotate treatments so not to develop resistance.



Below you can find important dates of when the latest date to apply specific treatments and be on time to place honey supers on your hive and not have issues of chemical residue in your honey.


Chart is based on applying honey supers on May 16.  (Approximate date for Eastern Ontario)

(Date may vary based on location and how early or late spring comes)

 Product   Good For Season   Treatment Period   Withdrawl Time   Required Temperatures   Latest Date To Apply 
 Api Var Life  Spring, Fall  31 days  30 days  (18-35C)  March 21 (Unfortunately temperatures may not allow using)
 Apivar  Spring, Fall  42 days  14 days    March 24
 Apistan  Spring, Fall  42 days  0 days  (10C or higher)  April 4
 Bayvarol  Spring, Fall  42 days  0 days  (10C or higher)  April 4
 Formic Acid  Spring, Fall  3 times every 5 days   14 days  (10-26C)  April 17
 Formic Pro  Spring, Summer, Fall  14 to 20 days   0 days  (10-29.5C)  May 16 (because supers can be on)
 Hop Guard 3  Spring, Summer, Fall  30 days  0 days  (11-33C)  May 16 (because supers can be on)
 Oxalic Acid (Drip)  Fall  Can only be used in the fall when broodless    (3C or higher)  November when consistent 5C day temperatures
 Oxalic Acid (Vapor)   Spring, Summer, Fall   3 times every 5 days  15 mins    Apply anytime above 3C(37F). Use a divider between brood/supers.
 Oxytet  Spring, Fall  3 times every 4 days  4 weeks    April 4
 Thymovar  Fall  1st application 3-4 weeks, off 1 week, 2nd application 3-4 weeks   14 days  (13-30C)  Best at 20-25C, so it's not a good spring treatment.
 Tylosin  Fall  Can only be used in the fall      After super removal in the fall



Remove honey supers approximately the long weekend of September or at the latest the 2nd weekend.  Use any of the treatments in the list above.


Final clean up with Oxalic Acid drip or vapor is best done when the day temperatures remain around 3-5C.